
How to Fix Error 150 in Google Slides

How to Fix Error 150 in Google Slides

Google Slides is a popular tool for creating presentations. It’s user-friendly, compatible with other Google applications, and a great alternative to presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint. But like any software, it has its glitches. One common issue that users encounter is “Error 150.” In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to resolve Error 150 in Google Slides so you can get back to creating captivating presentations.

What is Error 150 in Google Slides? 

What is Error 150 in Google Slides 

Error 150 typically appears when users try to upload or import slides, images, or other media into their Google Slides presentation. The error usually disrupts the process and can be frustrating, especially when you’re on a tight deadline. Understanding the causes can be the key to resolving this issue.

Common Causes of Error 150 

Common Causes of Error 150 

When encountering Error 150 in Google Slides, it might initially seem like a mysterious technical hiccup. However, knowing the potential causes can empower you to resolve the issue more efficiently. Below, we go into greater depth about each of the common culprits:

Poor Internet Connection

How It Affects Google Slides

Google Slides is a cloud-based application that relies on a stable internet connection for virtually all its functionalities. A good or fluctuating connection can result in complete data transfers or timeouts, causing Error 150.

What to Watch For

  • Slow webpage loading times
  • Frequent disconnection from the WiFi network
  • Trouble accessing other online services

Browser Cache

How It Affects Google Slides

Your browser stores temporary files to help speed up future site loads. However, when too much cache accumulates, it can have the opposite effect—causing sites like Google Slides to malfunction or generate errors.

What to Watch For

  • Sluggish browser performance
  • Difficulty loading new web pages or updated content
  • Errors or glitches in other web-based applications

File Size

How It Affects Google Slides

Google Slides has a maximum file size limit for uploads, usually around 100 MB for a single presentation. If you try to upload a file that exceeds this, the system will likely generate an error message, like Error 150.

What to Watch For

  • Large media files (e.g., high-resolution images, lengthy videos)
  • Multiple slides with complex formatting and media elements
  • Slow upload progress

File Format

How It Affects Google Slides

While Google Slides is highly versatile, it doesn’t support every file type. Uploading files in non-supported formats, like TIFF images or particular video codecs, can trigger Error 150.

What to Watch For

  • Unrecognized file extensions
  • Prompt messages indicating a format error
  • A greyed-out ‘Upload’ button

Firewall or Security Software

How It Affects Google Slides

Firewalls and security software aim to protect your computer from harmful online activity. However, they can sometimes be overzealous, blocking essential elements required for Google Slides to function correctly, thus triggering Error 150.

What to Watch For

  • Warning or blocking messages from your security software
  • Inability to access Google Slides even with a stable internet connection
  • Issues accessing other Google services

Step-by-Step Guide to Fix Error 150 

Step-by-Step Guide to Fix Error 150 

Step 1: Check Your Internet Connection

Before proceeding with any other steps, ensure a stable internet connection. If you suspect your internet might be the issue, try reloading the page or using another network.

Step 2: Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

Open your browser settings.

Look for the option to clear browsing data, cache, and cookies.

Clear the data and restart your browser.

Step 3: Check File Size and Format

Ensure the file you are uploading does not exceed the size limit and is in a format supported by Google Slides.

Step 4: Disable Firewall/Security Software Temporarily

Sometimes, this software can interfere with Google Slides. Disable them temporarily and try uploading your file again.

Step 5: Try Another Browser

If all else fails, try using a different web browser to see if the issue persists.

Additional Tips 

Always Backup: Back up your slides in another format (e.g., PDF) or platform.

Software Updates: Ensure your browser and operating system are up-to-date.

Contact Support: If the problem persists, contact Google Support for specialized assistance.

READ ALSO: Why Your Page is Not Indexed: Unpacking The Issue


Error 150 in Google Slides is usually a minor hiccup that is easily fixed by following the above steps. By understanding its causes and applying these troubleshooting methods, you can resolve the issue quickly and continue your presentation without further problems.

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